WIOA Questions and Answers
Please email [email protected] to submit questions
The ARIZONA@WORK City of Phoenix WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Programs are federally funded through the U.S. Department of Labor with $11.1 M (100 percent).
PROGRAM YEAR 2017-2018
AUGUST 28, 2017:
Question: I have a kid that I need to exit but I am not sure the exit date. She did 4/4/17 Alt Sec school then we did all the process for a WEX . She never started the WEX and now she is AWOL. On 6/28/17 WEX revision was approved. Do I exit on 4/4/17 with a Alt Sec School or 6/28/17 WEX revision even though the WEX never started?
Response: The exit date is determined from the Last Date of Service. Since the WEX never started, the last service received seems to be the Alt Secondary School.
Question: We administer the TABE test online for some of our youth. The online system automatically places the youth into the correct level (E, M, D, or A) based on the Locator test. We do have a printout that shows the youth took the Locator but it doesn’t show what level they tested into, because the system automatically takes the youth into that level to test. This printout shows their TABE test scores in each area. Will we be in compliance by placing this printout in the file?
Response: The printout with the TABE test scores would be considered in compliance.
Question: Quick question about the new AZ sick time expense. Are we billing for the Accrual amounts for our employees or only as they use it?
Response: We cannot pay for an employee's time if it is accrual (i.e. end of the year balances) because this is a cost reimbursement contract.
SEPTEMBER 6, 2017:
Question: If we have a wex that was scheduled to start, the service was put in as scheduled (before we were told to no longer do that) and now is no longer interested in doing the wex.....should we have a deobligation in the file or just get the service removed and case note that the client never started their wex?
Answer: Please submit a Help Desk Request found HERE to remove the service. Enter program notes detailing why the customer never started the WEX. Complete a WEX revision form since the money was already committed to deobligate the funds.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2017:
Question: We have a few kids who are in Voc rehab through one of our other non AZ @Work offices. Since they are Core/Required Partners, how and where do we indicate or capture this, so it is known and being counted? Then moving forward, if we have a kid we think should be in Voc Rehab, who is not through one of our other offices, who is the contact person and what is the process?
Response: You can document participation in Voc Rehab services in Program Notes. If there is a specific funded service they are receiving through VR (i.e. training), please add it in the Partner Provided Service and the S+T Plan as described in the Training Policy from the State. Contacts for VR have been sent to you via email.
Question: Could you provide me more detail as to what is needed for the “professional services invoice.” Do you require any supporting documentation to be included with the invoice? Would a general ledger work or what types of supporting documentation do you expect for both personnel and non-personnel costs?
Response: Professional Services invoices need to have documentation to support the expenditure attached. Personnel: List the names and dates of staff and hours worked along with the cost (summary) and provide backup documentation in the form of timesheets or a summary of the time they spent. Non-Personnel: General ledger that shows payment to the consultants etc. and an invoice providing evidence of the work completed. For more information, please contact our fiscal staff, Sandra Moreno.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2017
Question: Regarding skills progression -I want clarification of this: “Successful passage of an exam that is required for a particular occupation, or progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmark, such as knowledge based exams”. 1. If a kid started his OST in October and it lasts one full year , which crosses over program years, how can we get a positive MSG for the first program year? 2. What proof do you need in the file to show “skills progression” from Oct 2016-6/30/17? A case note saying he is now in block 2? Or something from the school that says he passed each block? A copy of an exam may be hard, maybe an exam score if available?
Answer: The MSG can only be positive in the year they graduate and pass any specific exams that leads to a credential. TEGL 10-16 explains what documentation is necessary for this MSG on page 19. Credential is defined on page 12 of the same TEGL.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2017:
Question: Is an OTA revision required if a youth started an OTA in last program year but did not finish and the school already billed the City (I think)? I ask because it isn’t a de-obligation if the school is not refunding the $ and not sure how to calculate hours—as it is not a WEX, so please advise if this is necessary or will a case note suffice? What should we do with the budget? Anything? Please advise.
Response: An OTA revision form is required as the youth did not successfully complete training and we need to track this through a number of programmatic sources. Please adjust the budget in Fiscal Link to reflect the correct amount for payment.
Question: If a kid says the Dr. says they are unable to lift more than a certain amount and they are pregnant and this becomes the one of the reasons for not finishing the OTA, would this qualify for a GAP? Is there a code we put on the S & T?
Response: Yes, a medical condition preventing program participation does meet the requirements for a GAP. However, a GAP in service means they will not receive ANY services for that time period.
The State policy says: Gaps in Service A youth participant may be placed in a gap in service when a situation arises that will temporarily prevent program participation for greater than 90 consecutive calendar days. The gap in service will provide time for youth to address barriers to continued participation without exiting the program. Eligibility does not need to be re-determined at the end of the gap in service.
1. A gap in service extends a participant’s exit date for 90 calendar days from the time he or she is placed into the gap. The gap in service must be related to:
a. A delay before the beginning of training;
b. A health/medical condition, or providing care for a family member with a health/medical condition; or
c. A temporary move from the area that prevents the individual from participation in services, including National Guard or other related military service.
2. A gap in service may be extended for an additional 90 consecutive calendar days (for a total of 180 consecutive calendar days) to resolve the issue that is preventing a participant from completing program services. The extended gap in service must be related to:
a. A health/medical condition, or providing care for a family member with a health/medical condition; or
b. A temporary move from the area that prevents the individual from participation in services, including National Guard or other related military service.
3. All gaps in service must be referenced in case notes detailing the reason for the gap in service.
Question: On the monitoring tool, it does not list self-attestation or participant statement as a way to verify foster care, if unable to get a letter. Just want to clarify as we have been able to use participant statement when unable to get a letter from DCS. Foster care status is listed on the applicant statement, so unsure why it would not be listed as a way of verifying info for program monitoring.
Response: We will revise the monitoring tool to accommodate Exhibit 100A’s list of acceptable documentation for foster care, which includes an Applicant Statement.
Question: Since work readiness is no more as of July 1, 2016 and MSG is—is it safe to say we do not need skill attainment logs and WR or raising TABE certificates anymore?
Response: You do not need skill attainment logs. Raising TABE scores qualifies as a MSG under EFL. You may want to retain those unless there is other documentation that shows the TABE scores for validation.
Question: Are paystubs required for any other time besides enrollment (if client is working)? They are needed at exit and aftercare to show employment status, but are they needed throughout their employment? Will a youth working 6 months prior to enrollment affect any of the performance measures?
Response: Paystubs are documentation for employment at any time throughout the program. Collecting a paystub for a youth who is working regularly on a monthly basis would demonstrate consistent employment. If a youth is employed at intake, they do not count in the entered employment rate unless they are also in postsecondary education during the exit quarters.
Question: If we have a youth who is not BS Deficient, achieved their GED over a year ago, did not make the required amount of credits for a successful MSG for a semester and is not currently working. He is interested in doing a WEX, but not wanting an OST activity yet. Since there is no MSG activity to put him into, do we leave the goal section blank? If not, what are we putting in AJC goal section for other kids who are NOT currently in a MSG worthy activity?
Response: As discussed in the MSG training in July 2017, Goals are NO LONGER required to complete. The State will be removing them from AJC so it is a moot point for data entry. If there is not an appropriate MSG activity to enter, leave the area blank.
Question: If a kid is not BS deficient and in college and unable to get the required 12 credits for the semester what other options are available to receive a positive for the MSG?
Response: The Transcript MSG reads: Participants whose transcript or report card shows they completed a minimum of 12 hours per semester, or for part-time students a total of at least 12 credit hours over two completed consecutive semesters during the program year, and that shows the participant is meeting the State unit's academic standards. If the youth cannot get the 12 credit hours (over one semester if full time or two consecutive semesters if part time), it appears they would not be able to achieve an MSG.
Question: Can we only have a personal goal in AJC if the youth is not in a MSG activity? If so, for how long?
Response: A stated in the July 25, 2017 MSG Training, Goals are no longer relevant. The State will be removing Goals from AJC.
Question: Where can we find a list of the AZ @ Work Access Point locations as well as Career Centers? Also, where is there a list of all the youth providers (address, names and contact information, population they serve)
Response: Career Centers can be found at www.arizonaatwork.com/phoenix. A list of Access Points for Maricopa County and City of Phoenix is HERE. Youth provider information is HERE.
NOVEMBER 30, 2017:
Question: We have 2 kids who need to retake their licensure exam –1 for CNA and the other for phlebotomy. They both have OTA’s. Can I use more OTA $ to pay for these re-takes since it has not exceeded the $3000 cap? They are $150 each and if so, do I need to submit another OTA voucher for it or what do I need to do? I know we could use supportive services, however, it seems more logical to try and use the OTA $ if we can.
Response: OTA funds can be used to pay for exam costs. The number of approved retakes is an individual situation review based on the increase of scores from one test to the next.
FEBRUARY 26, 2018:
Question: I'm not sure if it's been shared with you yet but the Basic Skills Training activity is now gone in AJC. Which activity do we use in it's place, for instance when a youth is attending HSE/GED classes?
Also, the High School activity is gone, Instruction Leading to Secondary School Completion. What should we use in place of that? We were using the Tutoring, Study Skills Training, Dropout prevention activity as a place holder while we waited to see if the activity would ever come back but it has not.
Response: There are three program elements that may be provided to participants that may lead to a high school equivalent or recognized equivalent. The program elements must be used, as follows:
If the participant is still attending school, staff must use the Tutoring, Study Skill Training, Dropout Prevention program element; or
If the participant has already dropped out of school, staff must use the Dropout Recovery Services or Alternative Secondary School Service program elements, as appropriate. See AJC Service Dictionary for definitions https://des.az.gov/sites/default/files/dl/WIOA-1045.pdf.
Question: What service is used in AJC for a high school graduate who is basic skills deficient?
Response: Tutoring, Study skills Training, Dropout prevention (Program Element 1) may be used. However, the youth service provider should not be enrolling the individual in the WIOA Title I-B Youth Program with the goal to only increase the individual ’s basic skills, program element #1 should be used along with the other program elements as strategy to assist the youth in obtaining employment or a recognized postsecondary credential.
Question: We were approached by a youth who was in the WIOA youth program with her sibling and exited the program on 6/30/2017. The youth's sibling is on our caseload - a rollover youth. Youth wants to re-enroll in the program. Does youth need to wait until 6/30/2018 to re-enroll?
Response: Per State Policy Youth Programs, Section 209:
LWDA may re-enroll participants in the WIOA Title I-B Youth Program at any time if they remain eligible. LWDA must not impose a waiting period prior to re-enrollment.