Eligible Training Providers
ARIZONA@WORK training providers offer workforce-related training to equip eligible job seekers for gainful employment. Arizona workforce boards regularly review training provider success and ensure that training is available for in-demand occupations in the local area. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].
Training Providers must meet the following qualifications to be eligible for Arizona’s ETPL:
- Be a Postsecondary Educational Institution eligible to receive federal funds under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965; or, a registered apprenticeship program; or, other public/ private provider of training programs including community-based organizations.
- Be licensed by the appropriate Arizona or Federal licensing authority such as the Arizona Board of Nursing, Arizona Board of Cosmetology, Federal Aviation Agency, etc. for a period of 12 months directly prior to application.
- Private post-secondary institutions not licensed by an Arizona or Federal authority must be licensed by the Arizona State Board of Private Post-Secondary Education www.azppse.state.az.us
- Have a physical and permanent Arizona mailing address (Post Office boxes are not considered a physical address). This requirement does not apply to third-party Providers.
- Be a legal entity authorized to conduct business in Arizona.
- Have been in operation at least 12 months prior to application (apprenticeship programs are exempted from this requirement) and can demonstrate a proven record of students successfully completing programs in accordance with the performance standards specified in the Performance Standards Section.
- Have a written and published refund policy. A policy stating no refunds is not acceptable.
- Submit a written and published student grievance policy that provides the process for filing a complaint with the school.
- Comply with non-discrimination and equal opportunity provisions of all Federal and State applicable laws:
- Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998
- Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014
- 29 CFR 37, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Age Discrimination Act of 1998
- Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- Title II Subpart A of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
Training Providers that have been debarred by any state or by the federal government are not eligible to be on the ETPL.
Once your school meets eligibility, you will need to complete the steps listed below.
- Create a training provider account on the Arizona Job Connection website. You can access the website here.
- The Arizona Department of Economic Security Eligible Training Provider Coordinator will review your application and will contact you to request completion of required documentation.
- If you are approved as an eligible training provider, you will need to enter at least one training program for review by the City of Phoenix Eligible Training Provider Coordinator. Training Program applications are submitted through the Arizona Job Connection website where you entered your training provider application.
- Complete the Training Program Credential Checklist, Training Provider Assurances form, and the City of Phoenix training program synopsis form. A link to the forms is listed below in the resource section.
Please contact the City of Phoenix ETPL Coordinator for guidance on the training program synopsis form at [email protected].
Visual flow chart of the ARIZONA@WORK City of Phoenix ETPL process