Below you will find wage and employment information for key industries and occupations from around the state. Select the geographic area you are interested in exploring to get started.
Find accurate statewide and local wage data for Arizona’s occupations. Information is provided on all Arizona occupations including those identified as in-demand.
Are you in a high growth field? Is your business prepared to succeed in tomorrow’s economy? The Office of Economic Opportunity reports Arizona's short-term (2 year) and long-term (10 year) employment forecasts. Click here for more information!
From occupational wages to industry projections, we can help you find the best labor market information by geographic area for your career and business.
When you're ready to advance your career or find a new path, look here. Find tools, online handbooks, and up-to-date information from partner organizations with career planning guidance and resources.
Looking for labor market information for Arizona? It's all here. Local area employment and unemployment statistics, occupational and industry employment estimates and projections, occupational and industry wage data, and more can be found using this link.
Looking for workforce data for Arizona? The Workforce Performance Dashboard is a visualization tool developed for state and local policy makers and workforce practitioners to access key WIOA workforce metrics. Review workforce data across workforce programs and geographic regions.