Local Board
Mission Statement
Through the Customer-Centered, Data-Driven One Stop System, we prepare and provide a qualified workforce to local businesses and assist businesses to grow and prosper.
Vision Statement
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) stipulates that each required partner will work collaboratively to provide a higher level of service quality through the delivery of education and workforce services in a “shared services model.” This approach will foster system partnerships that build and sustain a shared vision and strategy that promotes seamless delivery of services that benefit the Santa Cruz County community. This improved framework will enhance the development of a more informed, educated, and skilled workforce and the development of effective career pathway systems.
2022 Santa Cruz County LWDB Meeting Schedule
Santa Cruz County Workforce Development Board By-Laws
Santa Cruz County Local Area Plan Draft 2020-2024 (6-21-22)
Santa Cruz County Local Board Members
Service Provider
Santa Cruz County provides Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth services.
One Stop Operator Selection
Santa Cruz County Notice of Request for Proposal of One Stop Operator July 24, 2020
Santa Cruz County Local Workforce Development Board selected Santa Cruz County as its One Stop Operator.