Job Seeker Resources
Our #1 Job Is Helping You Find a Job
ARIZONA@WORK is here to help job seekers like you. We have the services and programs you need to find, prepare for and keep the right job Every day, we help people all around Arizona-of all ages and skill levels-connect with employment opportunities in a variety of industries. So... let's get to work!
How We Can Help
Put Our Services And Programs To Work For You
- There are many ways we can help you find the right job, including:
- Workshops to improve employability
- Posting your resume on the statewide job database Arizona Job Connection
- Providing career guidance and assessment
- Matching you with job opportunities that are the right fit for you
- Preparing you with customized training, education and skills development
- Hosting hiring events where you can connect with employers
- Assisting with specialized services for veterans, disabled job seekers and others
- Directing you to social services, if needed
Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires states to maintain a list of training providers approved to offer training to individuals eligible to receive WIOA funds. The statewide Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) includes eligible training providers and training programs that are approved by both the Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs) and DES to provide training services to eligible WIOA participants. Training programs must meet state and local requirements of in-demand industry sectors and occupations in Arizona, and result in a recognized credential.
The ETPL includes a variety of job-driven training programs informed by local business needs, with information on program costs, performance, and credential outcomes allowing for informed consumer choice.
Arizona Job Connection serves as a virtual statewide labor workforce system connecting individuals to education and training providers offering in-demand occupation training opportunities on the ETPL. A training program is defined as one or more courses or classes, or a structured curriculum that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential and/or employment.
What You Can Do
Put Your Job-Finding Powers Into Action
- View job postings and upload your resume on the state's largest workforce database at Arizona Job Connection
- Discover the full range of employment opportunities that are available
- Learn about other job seekers we've helped find employment by reading their Success Stories
- Start your own success story by finding your nearest ARIZONA@WORK career center
- Put all our services and programs to work for you by contacting your local ARIZONA@WORK representative