Northeastern Arizona

Employer Resources

ARIZONA@WORK Northeastern partners with employers throughout Apache, Gila and Navajo Counties to meet their workforce needs. With locally based services, we have the network to connect people and jobs. By helping businesses succeed and grow, we lay the groundwork for a stronger Arizona economy. And by sharing the solutions you need to find the right employees—right here, right now—we’re committed to real teamwork with you.

Customized Recruitment Services

Providing Innovative Solutions and Strategies That Work

Job Posting
You can directly access the state’s largest workforce database with thousands of job seekers and job listings:

Candidate Matching and Pre-Screening
ARIZONA@WORK can find and match job candidates who meet your key hiring criteria, conducting initial evaluations to identify experience levels and skill sets.

Skills Assessment
Using a variety of tools to assess everything from basic reading and writing skills to computer proficiency, we can help identify qualified candidates for your job openings.

Hiring Events
ARIZONA@WORK regularly hosts hiring events, providing an opportunity for you to connect with available, interested and skilled applicants.

Special Recruitment Services
We can provide interview space and other customized services, such as helping companies that come to Arizona and need to hire many employees quickly.

Business Support Resources

Offering Information and Expertise That Works

Labor Market Insight

ARIZONA@WORK can help make sense of the changing labor landscape with data that bring the economic and occupational picture of your market area into focus, including:

  • Local and national labor market, employment and economic information
  • Population and demographic statistics
  • Industry trends and occupational outlook surveys
  • Labor law compliance updates
  • Unemployment insurance information

Tax Credits and Incentives
Arizona companies that hire targeted employee groups or provide specialized training and services may be eligible for tax credits and incentives, from hiring qualified veterans and the disabled to operating within an Enterprise Zone. 

Important Information for employers and consultants about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program. 

Rapid Response Services
For businesses that anticipate downsizing or restructuring, ARIZONA@WORK Rapid Response Services can help meet the needs of companies and employees with layoff aversion, pre-layoff assistance and other specialized support.

Employee Development Programs

Delivering Skills and Training That Works

ARIZONA@WORK connects your company with training programs your employees require.

Job-Specific Skills Training
We provide access to customized training for your employees who require additional job skills.

On-The-Job Training (OJT)
Qualified employees can receive on-the-job training with their salary partially subsidized.

Private and public sector sponsors operate registered apprenticeship programs and cover training costs and wages.

Arizona Job Training Program
Design a customized curriculum to meet your workforce needs and supplement short-term training costs through the program.