Plans, Policies/Regulations, and Agreements
The Coconino County WIOA 2020-2023 Local Plan defines the strategies and initiatives to increase workforce system efficiencies that ensure the continuing growth of the workforce system and the creation of a customer-centered system in which:
- The needs of business and workers drive workforce solutions;
- Job Centers provide excellent customer service to all job seekers and businesses;
- Strong regional economies are supported; and
- The local board’s vision and goals reinforce the priorities of the state workforce system.
ARIZONA@WORK Coconino County Policies
Chapter 200 | Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Policy |
Chapter 300 | Supportive Services |
Chapter 400 | Training Policy |
Chapter 500 | Youth Program |
Exhibit 500F | High Poverty Census Tracts |
Chapter 600 | Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action |
Chapter 700 | Complaints, Grievances, and Appeals |
Chapter 700B | Protected Personally Identifiable Information |
Chapter 900 | High Poverty Rate |
Chapter 1000 | Monitoring |
Chapter 1100 | Employment and Training Provider List |
Chapter 1200 | Rapid Response |
ARIZONA@WORK Coconino County Draft Policies
ARIZONA@WORK Coconino Equal Opportunity
ARIZONA@WORK State Policies (Core Partners+)
Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Policy and Procedure Manual
Employment Service Policy Manual
Trade Adjustment Assistance Policy Manual
ARIZONA@WORK Workforce Arizona Council Policies
WIOA Regulations
U.S. Department of Labor Only
U.S. Department of Labor/Education Joint
U.S. Department of Education (Title II - Adult Education/Family Literacy)
Miscellaneous Program Changes
WIOA Section 188 (Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity)
Registered Apprenticeship Program
USDOL Employment and Training Administration's (ETA) Advisory System
The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Advisory System is used to disseminate ETA's interpretations of Federal laws, procedural, administrative, management, program direction and other information to the states, direct grant recipients and other interested parties.