City of Phoenix

Construction Sector

A collaboration with the City of Phoenix, construction companies, and education partners working together to provide individuals the ability to master a career in the construction industry.

Supply (Jobs) Graphic

The demand for construction jobs in Maricopa County over the national average.

Currently, there are not enough carpenters, plumbers, or electricians trained and ready to enter the industry. 

The Department of Labor anticipates nearly 7 million jobs will be available by 2024.

Well paying jobs that do not require student dept and can be accessed with apprenticeships, certifications, and two-year degree programs.


Demand (Job Postings) Graphic

The number of publically posted positions is about 757 jobs per month in Maricopa County. This does not include jobs needed but not posted through web based programs.

Over 49% of the current industry is over the age of 45 with over 22.5% of the industry positioned to retire in the next few years.

Given the strong economy leading to increased construction, the demand for well paying jobs will increase.

Why Construction Photo
Construction Worker Photo
Hard Hat PIcture


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